Create a new region

Present your news and contributions in your city or region

Learn more
Present your contributions in your region

It's that easy

We want to make it as easy as possible for content creators and journalists to pursue their passion, reach their target audience, and build a community.

Pipeline provides the platform, technology and tools to support you in your daily life.


Create account

Download the pipeline app and create your pipeline account


Become a creator

Apply to become a Creator in the pipeline to gain access to Creator Studio


Link sources

Link your blog, website and social media accounts with pipeline

White label messaging app solution for your readers

Your content. Our technology.

Do you operate a news portal or a regional blog and want to expand your platform with an app?

Our whitelabel app solutions convey your messages and information individually to your readers. Tailored in text length, complexity and the choice of formats to the reading habits of each individual user.

Learn more